Tutorial: Residents Directory
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The Residents Directory displays a listing for unit owners who opt to have their names and other information displayed to other members. The directory is not viewable by people who have public access to the site.  Here is an example listing:
The page contains:
  • The link "Printer Friendly" on the top right area of the page.  Clicking this link will print a copy of the currently displayed directory
  • A small form to enter criteria to filter which listings will display.  By default, with no filter criteria entered, all members who have elected to have their names published in the member directory will be displayed.
  • The column headings: Name, Unit Number, and Mailing Address.  Clicking on a column heading will sort the  displayed listing by the content of the column.  For example, cliciking on the column heading "Unit Number" will sort the listing by unit number in ascending order.  Clicking on the unit number column a second time will sort the listing by unit number in descending order.n 
  • The link "view" in the first column of each listing.  Clicking on the view link will display any information the specific member has opted to list.  
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