Tutorial: Introduction
Next: Getting Started
Welcome to the Veracruz at Cape Marco website.  The intent of this web site is to:
  • Provide a platform to simplify communication. It's important for both current residents and future residents to be informed on the latest building and neighborhood information.. A website is a great tool to disseminate information to other people. Plus, information is available 24/7.
  • Help reduce administrative expenses. A website helps relieve the administrative burden on our board members and management team. It also reduces costs for copying, mailing and responding to requests since fewer items have to be mailed.
  • Provide better and timelier communication to our owners and residents. For example, after a board meeting minutes can be posted on the website so that everyone can be quickly informed.
  • Better organization of our HOA notes and documents. All of our document revisions, notes, minutes etc., are always available at the website. 
  • Provide a platform for resident to be able to communicate and discuss issues and make suggestions to enhance our building.
  • Provide current information about our building and neighborhood to prospective future residents.
Next: Getting Started